Hedgetech Risk Cloud
As market volatility keeps increasing, people are looking for advanced analytics to meet their risk-management requirements. With Hedgetech, you can avail of end-to-end portfolio management, from detecting data inconsistencies to portfolio analytics and optimization.
Hedgetech's data indicators, reports, and advanced analytics tools offer insights into the quality of your financial data and help verify its integrity. Its flexible hierarchies, allow you to slice and dice your book based on custom requirements. Hedgetech also offers rational scenarios, conditional risk, efficient frontier, and more for efficient portfolio analysis.
These tools and services allow you to achieve consistency across systems, with advanced methodologies for insight into risk and exposure.

Our products support risk management across a variety of financial institutions for regulatory compliance, portfolio optimization and hedging optimization.
Hedgetech Data Cloud
High-performance No-code Financial Data Integration and Management
Unlock your data’s potential by managing financial data across your organization. Hedgetech provides no-code data management, no-code modeling, and a financial data integrity engine for seamless data integration across all financial services sectors such as banking, asset management, insurance, and more.

End-to-end portfolio management platform
Portfolio risk analytics
Historical and implied scenario analysis
Detecting inconsistencies in collected data to ensure financial integrity

No-code Integration
No-code ETL technology embedded in Data Cloud to manage your data
Purpose-built for financial data
Easily load and transform market, position, and support data (metadata, account data, etc.) with cloud-scale